Friday, October 19, 2007

Underscore Animation Exibition

Video art exibition from 7 to 10 of November.


Happening during the months of October and November, a cicle of exibitions of Plastic Arts, resultant of a partnership between Atelier Arte e Expressão and the collective Kaputz, divided in three parts (de 24 a 27 de October, de 31 de October a 3 de November e de 7 a 10 de November).

Rua Capitão Filipe de Sousa - ao lado da entrada do Mercado do Peixe), a inaugurar no dia 24 de Outubro, entre as 19 e as 21 horas.

For more information falow this link:

Video of the exibition will be posted on this blog on 8 of November

1 comment:

Fabinosky said...

obrigada me ter avisado do evento, gosto muito de animação